Study Membership
Become an Educan member today and access everything you need for success
Ask a Tutor!
Submit Questions to our team to receive and in-depth answer to fully understand the problem you once struggled with.
Join our active community platform where members and tutors connect.
Our community platform showcases unique questions which have been specially selected by our tutors.
Have the chance for your submissions to be featured to help other members!
Our tutors have all achieved at least an A grade in the Higher courses.
Our Features
Educan Live Community Hub and Tutor Question Portal.
Educan Notes: Our notes have been curated by both students and tutors as we understand that many things are wrongly assumed knowledge by textbooks and teachers.
Unit Tests: try our end of unit tests for each course.
Study Index: Access information on science-based study techniques such as the Pomodoro method, active recall and many more!
Personalised Study Plans: Custom study plans created by tutors to fit the specific needs of the pupil, taking into account their learning style and schedule outside of school.
Educan Events: Stay tuned for events hosted throughout the year such as study masterclasses!
National 5 Subjects include: Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
About Us
At Educan, our goal is to provide learners with the best resources to maximise their grade potential all in one place.
Your well-being is important as a pupil and we strive to improve your exam technique to save more time for life and hobbies!
We regularly update our content in line with SQA course specifications.
Our resources should supplement your in-class teaching.
Full Access to Educan Live Community Hub and Tutor Portal Question Submission.
Full Access to Educan’s curated notes for National 5 core subjects: Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics.
Personalised Study Plan.
Access to our exam study index.
Access to unit tests and events.
Membership payment options include:
£5/month (billed monthly)
£40 for lifetime subscription
School packages are available to all Scottish schools.
Benefits of a school package include:
Customised Community Hub content in line with teaching goals.
Teacher-controlled Content: Flag questions to be excluded from the tutor portal.
Targeted Masterclasses: As exams approach, Educan will deliver masterclasses on challenging topics identified by teachers.
Direct contact with Educan Live management.